The Awesome Power of Your Mind Lisa Ryan Grategy fThe power of our minds to dream, to imagine and to create visions is one of our greatest and most important gifts.  For out of the realm of the imagined can come the ideas we can use to create everything from a work of art, to a life-changing discovery.”  Morgan Simone Daleo

A great way to create the life you envision is by putting together a Vision Board.  This is a process where you find pictures of people, places and things that you want to bring into your life, cut them out and put them on poster board along with positive affirmations so you can see the things you want every day.  It’s important to make sure that you put a picture of yourself on the board, so your subconscious mind can see you in possession of the things you want to attract into your life.

One of my clients shared with me that he not only uses a vision board for himself, he gives picture frames to high school graduates that are empty except for a copy of a Bible verse, Habakkuk 2:2, which says “write the vision down, and make it seen, so that you can run toward it”

He said, “I give this frame to kids, and say, ‘This is your future, what do you want to make of it?’ I’m glad I have done this.  One young lady came back to me years later to thank me for the picture frame. She put the image of a young man in the frame that she wanted to be her husband.  She met a wonderful man at college and they are now happily married.”

Vision boards are a fun and creative way to set goals.  Start saving up those old magazines, or do a Google search on what you’d like to receive, print out the pictures and put them on your board.  Let your imagination run wild!

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