Learn Everything You Can, From Anyone You Can

http://www.grategy.com Lisa Ryan grategy learning“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can – there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” Sarah Caldwell

Lee, a long time reader of ‘Gratitude Thought for the Week’ shares a great perspective on the power of learning:

“When I was in the Army, I held several positions within my classification. Each time I mastered a position, I was moved to a different assignment. One day I asked the Lieutenant in charge why, if he thought I was so good at my job, he continually moved me to something else. Forty six years later I can remember his response word for word. He told me that I was promoted, ‘not because I was good at doing the job, it was because I was good at learning the job. If I could learn one job, I was capable of learning the next one.’”

Lee continues, “If we can admit to ourselves that learning is the key, we may be able to take it one step at a time and try something new. We may just discover that our comfort zone is much larger than we think!”  Thanks, Lee!  You’re awesome!

Learning for the sake of learning is a way to stretch yourself and your mental capacity.  You have no idea where or when your newfound knowledge will be exactly what you need in a particular situation.  What is one thing you are going to learn today?

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