The Size of Your Success is Determined by This

Lisa Ryan Grategy dont give up“The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Several years ago, a friend introduced me to my first home-based business. I was stoked.  I put everything I had into that business: financial resources, time, attending meetings and home parties, etc.  I imagined myself driving that black Mercedes and livin’ large with my huge residual income.

At the same time, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law started with a different network marketing company.  We were both disappointed that we couldn’t recruit each other to be in our respective down lines. We each directed our energy in our individual product lines.

However, after my couple year foray, I began to focus my energy on my speaking and writing career and let the rest go.  My in-laws, on the other hand, continued to build their business, putting in seventy hours per week and traveling across the county to put together their team.  All of their hard work paid off. They reached the pinnacle of their professional pursuits at the top of their organization.

My focus in that industry wavered, theirs never did. Since Now that I’ve found the right business for me – the one that makes my heart sing – I am experiencing that same success.

Your beliefs may shift over time. As you grow and change, it’s ok to adjust your dreams and goals. When you know that something is right, when you can feel it to the depth of your soul, it’s the perfect aspiration for you. Go for it.

PS – When it feels right, it probably is.

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