
Discover Lisa’s most-requested programs on employee retention, gratitude strategies, and corporate culture.

Manufacturing Engagement:

Smart Strategies to Keep Your Top Talent from Becoming Someone Else’s

The manufacturing, construction, and distribution industries were facing a talent shortage, aging workforce, and inadequate pipeline of younger workers before the pandemic. Today, it’s even more crucial to RETAIN the employees that you already have on your team. Now that employees have found they have lots of options when it comes to how, when, and where they can get their work done, your business needs to adjust to this new work environment.

Companies that succeed in the post-pandemic economy, are those that figure out how to master technology, community, and collaboration. Yes, employees still must show up at work to get the work done, but business owners may need to adjust and adapt to new ways of engaging and communicating with employees and their leadership teams.

It’s going to be awhile before we figure out what the next normal is going to be, but whatever those changes are – there is no more “business as usual.” The only thing we know for certain right now is that things are going to change.

If you want to keep your top talent from becoming someone else’s, it’s time to master a few simple strategies now … and reap the rewards for years to come.

Good news! By participating in this program your participants will:

Gratitude Strategies

To Boost Your Business and Lift Your Life

The business disruptions in 2020 gave us many opportunities to find the good – even in the most difficult of circumstances. Although it sometimes doesn’t feel like it, there were many “gifts” that resulted from the pandemic. The challenge is to look for and find the good.

In this fun and engaging keynote, you’ll see the difference that having a gratitude strategy – or Grategy – can make for you as a leader. Using research, anecdotes, personal stories, and experiences, Lisa gives you simple tools to create a culture of appreciation in your workplace so that you can keep your best employees from becoming someone else’s. In the process, you’ll also give yourself the gift of self-care today for a better tomorrow.

You will leave this program with specific ideas that produce dramatic and positive results in your health, wealth, happiness, and success.

By attending this program, you will:

Sweat the Small Stuff:

Why Attention to Detail Helps You Create a Corporate Culture that Rocks

If you want your organization to be a force for the future, it’s critical that you recognize and engage your employees more powerfully than you have in the past. Legendary cultures start with a commitment to building a foundation of trust, supporting your employees in their career aspirations, applauding their efforts and serving the mission that is greater than your company alone.

When organizations pay attention to the “little things,” they maintain a higher retention rate, improved productivity and increased profitability than companies who ignore the niceties that create a positive corporate culture. With Gallup reporting that approximately 68% of the workforce is disengaged or actively disengaged, this clearly is an issue you don’t want to ignore.

This session is chock-full of ideas, interactions and implementable actions that attendees can put into practice immediately. “Sweat the Small Stuff” gives you the tools you need to succeed.

By attending this program, participants will:

Mastering the Millennial Mindset - and Beyond

How to Attract and Retain Emerging Leaders

With approximately 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day, your organization’s succession-planning efforts can make a huge difference in the long-term success of your business. It’s more important than ever to attract the best employees you can hire while dealing with ever-shrinking sources to find qualified talent. Even more critical, is keeping your new hires from leaving after spending substantial time, money, and human resources to get them onboard.

With a potential of as many as 2 million manufacturing jobs being unfulfilled by 2025, there’s no time to waste. By learning these critical communication and engagement strategies now, you will prepare your company to not only survive, but thrive in the future.

By understanding the differences between all the generations in the workplace, you’ll make your succession planning easier, and prepare your business for the future.

During the enlightening, engaging and entertaining session, you will

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