Hold on Tenaciously in Bad Times

Yes, this is my car
Yes, this is my car

“The challenge is to hold on in bad times.  If you hold on tenaciously, I believe, the universe is on your side.  When you know within yourself that sooner or later the wheel is going to turn your way, that somehow you will endure and persevere, then you have positioned yourself to grow and succeed.” Les Brown

I was a quarter mile from home and my brain was on autopilot.  I was thinking about all the things I needed to get done that afternoon and not paying as much attention to the road. As I turned left onto my street, BAM!  I hit a car that was approaching the red light.  Surprise!

Thankfully, the car I hit had very little damage, and the driver was fine.  We contacted our insurance companies and the matter was settled within 45 minutes.  Looking back, I know this situation could have been much worse.

Bad times aren’t always what they seem.  Sometimes, it’s simply a reminder to pay attention.

How many times are you going through your day and not giving your full attention to what you’re doing? You’re multi-tasking, your mind is going a thousand miles an hour, and you’re worried that you’re not going to get everything done.  STOP!  Take a breath.  Pay attention to what you’re doing. If you don’t sloooooow down, you may find that fate may step in and do it for you.

Have fun,


It’s like a cosmic two-by-four. If you don’t pay attention when the when the message you’re supposed to learn is tapping you on the shoulder, sooner or later you’re going to get whacked upside your head (or inside your car for that matter.)  Remember: lesson repeated until lesson learned.

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