You can’t make a wrong choice…You can’t possibly miss your life’s calling.

colors palette 5933“You can’t make a wrong choice…You can’t possibly miss your life’s calling. No matter what you’re living, it’s serving your life.” Caroline Myss 

It’s not often that I can compare myself to Sheldon Cooper, from the “Big Bang Theory” TV show. However, since I’ve adopted one of his practices, it’s made a huge difference in my travels.

It’s the “Roommate agreement.”

When I’m going to a conference, I enjoy having a roommate. Not only does it cut down on costs, but it also gives me some “girl time” to talk about the things we learned during the day. It reminds me of Girl Scout Camp – without the drama.

If I’m going to share a room with someone, we both should understand what to expect. I’m a very light sleeper – no noise, no television, no snoring. Any of the above? We’re not a match. I’m a little messy – not a slob – but I know I would drive a neat-freak crazy. Also, I like to work out in the morning. Don’t like an early alarm? Let’s not room together.

In most cases, the other person agrees to these parameters, and we move forward. I did have one person opt out of her roommate’s request after getting my “agreement.” It was a little surprising (I think it was the “little messy” part), but we both saved ourselves unnecessary aggravation and had a good time together during the seminar.

Do you ask for what you want, or do you prefer to “see what happens” and then get mad or disappointed when it’s not what you hoped? I am so grateful for the friendships I have made by sharing time and a room together. By setting expectations, you create more harmonious relationships.

Have fun,


PS – Remember – don’t ask a question you don’t want to be answered. The risk is that you won’t find someone that agrees to your terms. You need to be okay with that too.

PS – How does gratitude impact your wealth? Here’s a short clip:

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