The Power of Imagination

hidden secret - kids in sand“Imagination is more important than knowledge.  Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”  Albert Einstein   

Oftentimes I find that it’s much easier to be creative when you’re helping someone else than it is to be creative for myself. When brainstorming for others, ideas seem to flow effortlessly – it’s fun!  Then, when the tables are turned and colleagues are helping me, they come up with brilliant ideas and I have to ask myself, “Wow, why couldn’t I have thought of that on my own?”  No matter how talented you are, we all have a blind side when it comes to what we do for a living.

After all, we know what we want to create in our business. We know the toils and troubles that we experienced to get to where we are. When someone else is considering how to improve your business, they do so without all the “insider” knowledge. That’s a bonus because they don’t have preconceived notions as to how your business is “supposed to” work.  One single idea can transform everything.

This is the biggest reason why I’m such a proponent of joining a mastermind group.  A mastermind is a small group of like-minded individuals that come together for the sole reason of listening and supporting other group members.  Choose your group carefully, after all, it’s better to have people that will err on the side of being over-zealous, versus those who will be over-cautious.  Be open to the possibilities!

Have fun,


PS – My company name, “Grategy,” came as a result of a brainstorming session.  If I hadn’t asked for help I’d still be “Chief Appreciation Strategist” at Appreciation Strategies.  That’s a mouthful!

PSS – If you’d like to relive your first year of “Gratitude Thought for the Week,” you can get the entire collection here.

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