You Can’t Make a Wrong Choice

Lisa Ryan, Scott Ryan, Simba the cat“You can’t make a wrong choice … You can’t possibly miss your life’s calling. No matter what you’re living, it’s serving your life.”  – Caroline Myss

A few months after our beloved cat Tigger passed away, my husband Scott was still grieving.  Getting through the holidays without his “baby” was very difficult, to say the least.

Scott was finally ready for a new kitty.  We went to several rescue centers but we didn’t find “the right” kitten.  We visited a local cat rescue that had a variety of kitten to choose from.  Scott quickly bonded with a little gray tabby we named Simba.

Simba was five months old and should have been a bundle of energy.  The first couple days, we wrote off her lethargy, feeling that she was adjusting to a new environment.  It quickly became apparent that Simba was eating and sleeping a lot more than what would have been considered “normal” for a kitten her age.

The results from her fecal analysis confirm a diagnosis of roundworm – a common infection for pound kittens. Although we were concerned, through the course of this ordeal we both knew that we chose Simba for a reason. We did not make a wrong choice; she is the perfect kitten for us.  We are happy and blessed that she chose us. (Now if only the other two cats felt the same way!)

If you are currently questioning a decision that you made, stop it.  Whatever the reason for your decision, it is the right and perfect choice for you. Look for the blessing (or the lesson), and move on.

Have fun,


PS – Simba has many of Tigger’s traits – loves to ride on Scott’s shoulder, enjoys having her belly scratched, loves to be held.  She is the perfect kitty for me, I mean, for Scott!

PSS – Focus on gratitude for 30 days – it will change your life!  The “Take 5 and THRIVE!” program is a great tool to use.

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