Never Put Off Expressing Your Appreciation

Lisa Ryan Grategy 3d love“Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.”  Albert Schweitzer

Recently during one of my keynotes, I shared my story about the last conversation I had with my ex-husband.  He was losing his battle with stage four pancreatic and liver cancers and was making his phone calls to say goodbye to the people he cared about.

Jeff called me, we spoke for a few minutes and said ‘goodbye.’  After hanging up the phone, I realized that there was much more I wanted to say to him, so I called him back.  We experienced a beautiful, blessed conversation from the depth of our hearts.  Jeff died a week later, and I am so thankful that everything that needed to be said was expressed.

After my program, a gentleman came up to me and said that he lost his wife a few years ago after a prolonged illness.  She never wanted to talk about being sick, and he never wanted to bring up the fact that she was dying, so nothing was ever said.  To this day, he regrets not having that conversation – there was too much love left unsaid.

None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow.  Please take some time today and let just one person in your life know how much you appreciate them.  You will never regret expressing your love, but you will regret keeping those feelings inside if you never took the opportunity to share while that person was still on the planet.  Embarrassment and insecurity is temporary, regret is forever.

Have fun,


PS – Even better than expressing your love and appreciation is taking a moment and writing it down in a note or letter – create a treasured memento for someone today.

PSS – Watching the Keeper of the Keys is a great way to remind yourself of the importance of appreciation, empathy, harmony, passion and much more.

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