Top 3 Employee Engagement and Appreciation Articles for the Week of April 10, 2015

Because there are so many great articles on employee engagement and creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace, I want to share the best of these resources with you. Here are my favorite insights on employee engagement this week. I have included some of my thoughts on these gratitude strategies (“Grategies”) and would like to hear your comments too.

Is Your Company a “Best Employer?” by Annette Gleneicki

(Business 2 Community) “Best employer companies drive higher engagement, revenue growth and shareholder value than do companies with top quartile engagement levels alone. They outperform the average company on revenue growth (6 percentage points), operating margin (4 percentage points) and total shareholder return (6 percentage points). They even outperform those companies marked by high employee engagement alone.”

My Thoughts:  Achieving true employee engagement starts at the top.  Without management buy-in, it’s not going to work. Becoming a “Best Employer” is a goal worth striving for.

Employers placing more emphasis on workplace culture By John Egan

(AllVoices) “Today’s employees need to feel their organization’s culture honors what they value and what is important to them,” said Dave Eaton, senior partner at executive search firm Korn Ferry. “For example, if their organization gives lip service to a participative culture, but in reality decisions are made from the top down, they’ll feel undervalued and may leave.”

My Thoughts:  When one of my program attendees tells me, “We REALLY need you at our organization,” I know that there’s very little chance that that management team will make the investment. Culture starts at the top and if management doesn’t buy into it, it’s probably not happening – and people leave.

4 Ways to Show Gratitude at Work (and Why You Should) by Miriam Salpeter

(US News and World Report) “Don’t wait to be grateful. Regardless of your position in an organization, cultivate gratitude as a core part of your work. “Don’t wait until you’re leading a team, a division or a company to become a grateful leader,” Miles says. “If you do, when you start telling people you’re grateful for them once you’re in the position you want, people won’t buy it.” He suggests you make sure those around you right now understand that you’re grateful for the many ways they help you each and every day.”

My thoughts:  Yes, people are working to bring home a paycheck AND that is not the only thing that drives them.  Sincere appreciation for a job well done goes a long way in creating employee engagement and an emotional connection to the workplace.


Lisa Ryan, creator of Grategy® is a professional speaker and bestselling author who focuses on workplace culture including employee engagement, retention and recognition as well as customer loyalty and retention. For more information contact (216) 225-8027. For information on Grategy® programs please visit Follow on Twitter: @Grategy

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