Whether You Can or Can’t is Up To You

1674497 piano resized“Whether You Think You Can or Can’t, You’re Right,” Henry Ford

When my husband and I were first married, I was living in a house that I had been renting for eleven years and he was living with his parents.  He moved into my place, but the fact that he wanted me to actually share my closet space meant that we needed to find a home of our own.

We started the search, with a certain dollar figure in mind that we “could afford.”  We looked at more than fifty properties, none of which were “it.”  Finally, we looked at a house that was WAY out of our price range.  We fell madly in love with his house and within a day, we figured out how we could manage it financially.

Unfortunately, by the time we extended an offer, the house had sold.  What did this do for us?  It upped the ante.  We now knew that we could afford our dream home and we found it.  That was eighteen years ago and we’re still here.

What is it that you really want but don’t think you can have?  Take a minute and brainstorm ideas as if it were possible for you to reach that goal.  Don’t edit your answers until you’ve exhausted ALL of your ideas. Chances are that when you look at your list you will realize that you CAN have it after all.

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