What a precious privilege it is to be alive

engagement 1718244 1280“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love — then make that day count!” ― Steve Maraboli 

Too often, we assume that the people in our lives know how we feel about them. We don’t tell them we love them nearly often enough. We don’t thank them for the acts of kindness they bestow upon us, nor do we express appreciation to them just for being in our lives.

Let today be a day of no regrets. If the last conversation you have with someone was going to be the last conversation you ever had with them, would you be happy with your parting words?

It all comes down to “I love you” and “Thank you.”

Have a wonderful day!

PS – Leave a sticky note in your loved one’s car or lunch bag. Send an “I’m thinking of you text” to someone who needs to hear from you. Call someone you haven’t spoken to for awhile just to say, “Hi.”

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