Life is but a fleeting moment so do not waste a second on something that doesn’t make you smile.

valentines day 2057745 1280“Life is but a fleeting moment so do not waste a second on something that doesn’t make you smile” – Jamie Hall

On one Valentines’ Day, Scott and I went out for a romantic evening at a nice restaurant. We were enjoying our meal when I noticed the restaurant was getting really cold. I looked over and saw the front door open, which was a little odd. Then, I noticed a woman laying on the ground getting CPR. I mentioned it to Scott and the woman at the table next to us said, “They’ve been working on her for about 10 minutes.” The ambulance arrived and continued to work on her, but unfortunately, she didn’t make it.

I realize this is a little morbid for a gratitude thought of the week, but here are the lessons I learned from the experience:

  1. None of us know when our next meal will be our last meal. Enjoy every bite.
  2. None of us know when our next interaction with someone will be our last. Savor every moment.
  3. Life is too short to be miserable. When you look for the good, you can find it.

I’m grateful to the restaurant staff who continued to serve the customers and tried to keep our experience as enjoyable as possible. I’m also proud of them for doing the right thing – closing the restaurant at 7:30 on Valentines’ Saturday. That was an expensive choice – but it was appropriate for the circumstances.

Take the time to pick up the phone, send a text or letter, or get together with someone you care about today. You’ll never regret the memories of good times with friends.

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