How to Attract More of What you Appreciate and Value in Life

Lisa Ryan Grategy and her dad“Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.”  Christiane Northrup

My dad needed to go to the bank, and since I was leaving to go out of town the following day, this was my only opportunity I’d have to take him. Thinking it would be a quick transaction – cash a check, make a deposit and leave – I knew I could still make it to my late afternoon appointment. Once inside the bank, dad decided to go into his safe deposit box.  “Oh no, he’s going to be in there for awhile,” I thought, and I was irritated by the unexpected delay.

As my dad was led into the vault, a teller motioned to me to come over.  She kindly expressed, “I want you to know that you are going to get through this. You have a beautiful heart.  We don’t often get to see people who treat their parents like you do, and I just wanted you to know that you are a blessing and are blessed.”

I took her hand and we shared a moment together.  I never expected to have that connection with a stranger in the bank.  It made me slow down and realize how fortunate I am to share these times together.

In the meantime, my client then called to let me know she was running behind and asked if I could I come a little later.  Things always work out exactly the way they should.

If you find yourself scurrying from one appointment to another, make a conscious effort to schedule some downtime or flex time for yourself.  You’ll get just as much done, and you’ll appreciate the journey a lot more.

Have fun,


PS You are a blessing and you are blessed.

PSS – For a lot of reminders as to how fortunate you are, check out “52 Weeks of Gratitude


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