To receive more, we must be willing to give more.

woman posing wearing white dress shirt sitting on window 937453“To receive more, we must be willing to give more…It is expressly at those times when we feel needy that we will benefit the most from giving.” Ruth Ross

Today may be a day you are just plain stressed out. There’s not enough time, not enough money, not enough energy to do everything you need to do. I know – been there, done that!

I have found that when I don’t have enough time to do all the things I want to get done, I give myself the gift of a 10-minute break just to relax, take some deep breaths, and pause to think. This practice gives me the re-energizing that I need, and I find I can get a lot accomplished – with a much better attitude. YouTube has some awesome meditations ranging from three minutes to eight hours. I use them all!

In what area do you feel a need? If it’s financial, take out your checkbook and make a small donation to a favorite charity. This action will give you power over a poverty mindset. Do you need more time? Try a 10-minute refresher break. Whenever you are coming from a place of lack, think of a way you can GIVE. I’d love to know what you think of this simple practice.

Have fun,


PS – When you feel like you have nothing, the giving of something is the best thing you can do.

PSS – Here’s a recent episode of “Elevate Your Engagement Levels” – Enjoy!

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