Reaching your full potential these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

children 593313 1280“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” Confucius 

“If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” Although I’ve heard this quote throughout my life, I once found myself in the “right room” – surrounded by some of the most brilliant speakers with whom I had the pleasure of spending a weekend. We were at a “Keynote Boot Camp,” which meant we spent two and a half full days working on our own speeches and learning from the feedback others were given on theirs. We received no-holds-barred, in-your-face, brutally honest feedback. And – it was exactly what we all needed to hear to take our craft to the next level.

No matter how long you’ve been doing what you’re doing, there’s probably someone who does it just a little (or a lot) better. If you have the opportunity, hang out with those people – grab it. Make it a point to learn from the best in your business and you will unlock the key to personal excellence.

Cavett Robert, the founder of the National Speakers Association, said, “Instead of getting a bigger slice of the pie, let’s make a bigger pie.” There is enough business for all of us – even with a niche as small as “helping manufacturing association members keep their top talent from becoming someone else’s,” it works!

What are you doing to invest in yourself to get just a bit better than you are right now? It’s worth the time, money, and effort to feel the satisfaction of getting closer to reaching your full potential.

PS – With so many online, onsite, and offsite resources available to you, why not commit to learning or improving one new thing this year?

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