The Joys of Travel

joys of travel

Travel is glamorous only in retrospect. – Paul Theroux

After a week of challenging travel, this quote made me laugh today. After all, it was supposed to be easy – a flight from Cleveland to Chicago on Monday for a program on Tuesday and then from Chicago to Pittsburgh for an opening keynote on Wednesday.

Because the weather in Chicago led to a rolling ground delay, I got to Chicago about four hours later than planned. Then, on the flight to Pittsburgh, a piece of paper fell off the plane’s wall, and it took maintenance about thirty minutes to put it back up, leading to another delay on an already late-night flight.

Needless to say, I am very grateful for coffee and adrenaline!

However, in retrospect, I met some fantastic people at my sessions, and we had a great time together. Also, because my flight got in so late on Tuesday night, my husband, Scott, drove from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, checked into the hotel early, picked me up at the airport, came to my keynote, and then we had some fun in Pittsburgh – it was a gorgeous day – before heading back home.

Aside from this short missive on the pains of travel, the only thing I’ll remember in the long run is the many good experiences I had during these two trips – exactly how life is supposed to be.

We don’t always have control of our circumstances, but we can always choose how we remember them!

What’s one good thing that happened to you this week?

Have fun

PS – When you look for the good, you can always find it!

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