If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.

branch cold freezing frost 355403“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” ~ Anne Bradstreet

When a severe cold snap swept across the country, I learned lots of new terms. Just so you know, the term “bomb cyclone” dates back to the 1940s. The term refers to a storm that develops intensity over the water that it would not have gained over land. A “Bombogenesis” is what happens as the storm gains strength, as it is now. Now you know.

Instead of complaining about the frigid temperatures, let’s look at a few things to be grateful for it:

  1. The electricity that heats your home; the gas that heats your car, and either one that heats up your shower.
  2. Warm clothing – whether fashionable or not – you can dress in layers and add or subtract clothing as needed.
  3. The beauty of nature – the snow-covered trees and the white blanketing of the ground are pretty (especially from inside your house.)
  4. If you’re in a climate where you’re used to the cold, you know the streets will be plowed and it will be “business as usual” soon.
  5. If you’re in a climate where you’re not used to being cold, you can enjoy the time at home as you’re kept off the roads. You can also thank goodness that you live where you do because this will soon be over for you.

If you’re looking for it, you can always find reasons to be grateful. I’m thankful for you!

Have fun,


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