The past was always there, lived inside of you, and it helped to make you who you were.

photo of woman teaching 935943“The past was always there, lived inside of you, and it helped to make you who you were. But it had to be placed in perspective. The past could not dominate the future.” ~ Barbara Taylor Bradford

I didn’t particularly like high school. Most of my friends were older than me. I had been working since the age of 14 (at the mall), so I didn’t get involved in any of the activities that make high school enjoyable for some.

I took COE – Cooperative Office Education in my senior year, basically so I could go to school half day and work the rest. There’s not a lot of fond memories from the program – except for a trip to the Ohio State Fair – but other than that, it served its purpose.

I reconnected with my COE teacher, Mrs. Bednarik after she put a note on Facebook that a group from the “Career Tech” programs were going to get together and I thought it would be fun to see her again.

When I walked in, she had no idea who I was.

After we talked for awhile, it all came back to her. She remembered me as “someone who always spoke her mind” and “worked hard but talked a lot.” (Imagine that!)

So, why go to a party with a group of people I haven’t seen for more than thirty years and didn’t really care to be around while I was there? It comes down to connection.

Mrs. Bednarik made a difference in my life. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that first job I got through her program, led me to the next job, which led me into sales, which convinced me to go to college for the next fourteen years. Everything in our lives and everyone we meet are connected.

I’m very grateful I went. Thankful that I was able to thank her in person for making a difference in my life. And very grateful for an evening well spent.

I might not have enjoyed high school while I was there, but I’m certainly grateful for my teachers, and teachers everywhere that impact the lives of their students – even thirty-plus years later.

Is there a teacher you can thank today?

Have fun


PS – If you haven’t started your gratitude journal, or you’ve gotten out of practice, why not put that on your resolution list? And keep it!

PPS – What does wellbeing have to do with engagement?

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