In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision.

photo of assorted letter board quote hanged on wall 1742370“In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision.” Dalai Lama

Imagine that it’s January 1 and you are looking back on the previous year. In your ideal, perfect world – What happened? Where did you go? What did you do? How are you feeling – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? How are your finances, your relationships, and your hobbies? Remember – this is your IDEAL PERFECT world, so dream BIG!

Now that you have the picture – and you’re being grateful in advance of it happening – why not put together a vision board to help get you there?

I’ve done vision boards sporadically over the years and I wanted this year’s board to be different. After spending some quality time on the phone with my friend and vision board expert, Mimi Brown ( I put together a plan that makes my heart sing. It’s hanging in my bedroom so I (and my hubby) get to see it every day.

Instead of a boring goal/resolution list – add some pictures and colors to your planning. That way, when you’re looking back on this year, you’ll get to see how many of your heart’s desires you accomplished.

I appreciate you!

Have fun,


PS – I didn’t even cut pictures out of magazines – I Googled the pictures for my board and printed them out!

PPS – A blast from the past – one of my early showcase speeches:

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