With no effort on your part, you were born to be something very special and set apart.

mark adriane muS2RraYRuQ unsplash“There has never been another you. With no effort on your part, you were born to be something very special and set apart. What you are going to do in appreciation of that gift is a decision only you can make.” Dan Zadra

No matter your birth order, your gender, your personality type, or the fact that your family can put the “fun” in dysFUNctional – YOU are a GIFT! How you see yourself makes a difference. Using a vision board can help you “see” yourself and your life in the way you want it to be.

What is a vision board? A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams, goals, and desires. It puts you in the picture and helps you achieve what you most want in life.

How do you make one? Take a sheet of poster board and cut out pictures from magazines, meaningful quotes or individual words that represent what you want your life to be like. Don’t forget to include a picture of YOU on your board. Look at your board every day and FEEL how it’s going to feel to achieve what’s on your board – and take the action steps that will also help you get there. (The action step is a critical one!)

Don’t limit yourself to just one board either. You can use vision boards with your family, your friends, and your business too. By working on this project together, you find out what others really want and you expand the possibilities.

Have fun,


PS – For those of you that enjoy technology, try a PowerPoint vision board. Collect images online, right-click on them to copy and then paste them onto your board. Or, take a picture of your vision board with your smartphone, so you always have it with you.

PPS – I’ve been adding lots of videos to my YouTube Channel lately – with more coming. If you like to check them out, please subscribe and give me a “thumbs up!” Thanks!  https://www.youtube.com/user/mygrategy

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