Thank YOU for Making a Difference

Thank you licence plate image“Every day, reflect on the priceless gifts you’ve been enjoying. Openly share your gratitude with others.  And, the next time somebody asks if anything great happened to you today, you’ll have plenty to say.” Jeff Keller

One of the things I love about writing these “Gratitude Thoughts for the Week” are the comments I receive from my readers. You make me smile when you take the time to let me know how you are using these thoughts and what they mean to you.

I received a beautiful note from Vickie who, I’m pleased to say, doesn’t keep these notes to herself. “I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate receiving your weekly gratitude thought.  We share it with our employees who have email and then read it at our production meetings each Friday.  We receive many great comments from our employees each week.  I wanted to let you know that the time and effort you put into these weekly emails has made an impact.”

Sandra shared, “Good morning Lisa and thank you! Your messages are always right on time and they seem to always be just for me. I am choosing to retire from my job this Friday and do what I love to do – work my Mary Kay business. I’m nervous I’m excited I’m scared I’m elated and I’m ready to see what God has in store for me. Thank you. You are so blessed!”

Thank you Vickie, Sandra and everyone else who takes a moment out of their busy day to drop me a note. I appreciate, read, and treasure every one of them.

PS – Just like you’ve made my day, make sure you’re continuing to let others know when they make a difference. You’ll make their day too!

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