Manufacturing Engagement – Respond quickly.

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Answer the phone and respond to staff emails within 24 hours of receiving them. By taking a few moments to respond to your employees, you send a powerful signal that they are a priority. Your prompt action emphasizes their importance more than just your words ever could.

Because you have timelines, due dates, and priorities that you need to get done, you do not always have the luxury of stopping what you are doing and addressing the employee’s issue immediately. You can, however, explain the situation and schedule a more convenient time to connect with them. Then do it.

Action Ideas:

  1. Respond immediately to an email or text to let your employee know you received their message.
  2. If you can’t take care of their issue right away, schedule a more convenient time to speak with them.
  3. For difficult conversations, do NOT respond via email or text. It’s difficult to read emotion into a written document, and your employee may misinterpret what you are saying. Pick up the phone or meet them in person to convey difficult news.


To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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