Taking the First Step to Achieve Your Ultimate Goal

1910656 jogging resizedWe will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. – Edith Lovejoy Pierce

In just a few days we’ll be turning the page to a brand new year. Instead of stressing yourself out by writing down a list of the same goals you focus on every year – eat right, exercise, lose weight (okay, maybe those are just me) – why not begin 2017 by looking at a clean slate for creating opportunities in your life?

Remember, we overestimate what we can do in the short term, and we overestimate what we can do in the long run. Want to read more self- or professional-development books this year? Don’t make a goal for the number of book, how about a goal of ten pages a day, or five minutes of reading?

One of my friends shared that she wanted to exercise more often. Instead of setting a time goal for exercising, her goal was to put on her tennis shoes. If she did that, she knew it was much easier for her to take the next step.

A client shared that when he is making sales calls, his goal is to make one call. He knows that if he can pick up that phone for the first time, it’s easier to continue making calls.

What goals can you break down into teeny tiny steps? You’re much more likely to git ‘er done, when the first step isn’t overwhelming.


PS – Take the time today to WRITE DOWN a few goals for the year. Then look for ways you can break down those goals into the tiniest steps possible – and then complete one step.

PSS – Here’s how to HELP yourself and your team members achieve their goals: http://neohiobiztvshows.com/lisa-ryan-better-stronger-faster-help-team-succeed/

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