The Joy of Gratitude

Lisa Ryan of Grategy meatloaf“Joy is a heart full and a mind purified by gratitude.”  Marietta McCarty
Because of the damage that was done to my dad’s peripheral vision by his stroke, he can no longer drive. Being his primary mode of transportation means that I get to spend a lot of time with my dad, taking him to appointments, shopping, and anywhere else he needs to go.
Every Sunday we take my father to church with us and often have him over for dinner as well. On one such Sunday, we stopped by my brother-in-law’s house and stayed longer than intended.  I hadn’t taken anything out for dinner, so I was going to have to throw together something quick – in this case, meatloaf and pierogies. Although Scott and I both love this meal, it’s pretty casual, and we certainly didn’t think it was a big deal.
However, by my dad’s response, you would have thought we gave him an exquisite cut of filet mignon and succulent lobster tail.  He absolutely could not stop raving about how delicious everything was.  He exclaimed, “I never thought this could taste so good.”  He ate every single morsel, singing its praises the entire time. (It’s fun to cook for someone who is so joyful!)

Isn’t it funny how we sometimes take these little things for granted?  What is an ordinary meal to one person is a feast fit for a king to another.  Take the time to appreciate every single bite of food you take today.  It will transform your eating experience!

PS – I’m thankful to have a father who expresses his appreciation so openly and often.

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