Our purpose here on Earth is to find those orders and carry them out. 

airport 2373727 640“God has given each of us our “marching orders.”  Our purpose here on Earth is to find those orders and carry them out.  Those orders acknowledge our special gifts.” Soren Kirkegaard    

When you travel a lot, delays are inevitable. It’s a pain, but it’s just part of the adventure. On this particular day, the weather was perfect, so I expected to get to my destination on time with no hassles. That was not the case.  Our flight had a maintenance problem for the air conditioning. Then, while waiting to be serviced, it ran out of fuel. If that wasn’t enough, they over-fueled the plane, leading to spillage and a longer delay. Ugh!

I figured that instead of having lunch in Chicago, I would enjoy a relaxing lunch at Panini’s at the Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Ronnie was my server and he made the wait worthwhile. He wasn’t busy, so we had time to chat and laugh. I left that day feeling like I had a new friend.

When you’re dealing with situations outside of your control – stop trying to control them! Watch “Frozen” a couple of times and “Let it go!” Look for ways to find peace and who knows – you might just make a new friend in the process!

Have fun,


PS – Breathe! You have to breathe anyway, so why not make it productive. Try 4-7-8. Breathe in for a 4 count, hold for 7, then release for 8 counts. Do this five times and I promise, you’ll feel better.

PSS – If you have a toxic workplace culture, you’ll create more disengagement. Here’s why: https://eliteexpertsvideonetwork.com/lisa-ryan-toxic-cultures-create-disengagement/

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