Manufacturing Engagement – Be enthusiastic about the future.

1645367 thumbs upUnless you are confident in your plant’s ability to succeed, how do you expect your employees to believe they have a stable future?

Be a cheerleader – no, not the kind with pom-poms. Encourage and support your team. Cheer them on. Broadcast the good things that are happening. Create a culture where employees want to share their positive experiences, instead of just complaining about the bad times. When you incorporate good news into your communications, you improve staff commitment, engagement, and understanding.

Bonus: It’s easier to create content for your newsletter, blog, or marketing articles as you learn all the new and exciting stories you have to tell.

Action Ideas:
1. Keep an eye out for situations where your employees are making a difference and share it with the rest of your team.

2. Use positive news as a learning opportunity. Share what happened and then cite the takeaways that can inspire others to model the good behavior.

3. Make sure to help people look good when they participate. Provide multiple ways colleagues can respond and add to the good news, comment on the success of others, and share their own experiences in similar situations.

To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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