Manufacturing Engagement – Flatten your organizational structure

1943590A flat company structure empowers your employees to take charge of their jobs, make better decisions and feel a greater level of responsibility for the company’s success. By getting rid of some of the layers of management, you facilitate more communication as well. Asking your staff for their input leads to more support for the decisions made, and you’ll see fewer power struggles behind the scenes.

Don’t make employees jump through a lot of hoops to share their ideas. The only thing red tape halts is progress. When you give your staff access to leadership, it helps them feel like they are heard and can make a difference.

As the number of Millennial and Gen Z employees increase, you will see a shift away from the autocratic way of running a business. Employees want to contribute, and your best ideas may come from the least expected sources.

Today, think about some of the ways you give your employees greater access to leadership.

To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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