There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

adorable baby child childhood 356274“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” George Sand

When our beautiful great-niece, Emily was born, I held her when she was only hours old. She was perfect.

Until we found out she wasn’t.

Emily was diagnosed with a neuroblastoma when she was a few weeks old. Three days before her three-month birthday, she had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor that was quickly enveloping her organs. It was a horribly nerve-wracking time, but we came together as a family, support and loved each other, and asked for prayers – and we got them. Lots and lots of them! (Facebook is great for that!)

Emily is now doing great! Aside from the three-inch scar across her abdomen, you’d never know that she was anything other than a healthy, smiley, happy, beautiful little girl.

If you’re going through a difficult or scary time, make sure you’re around people who love and support you to get you through the difficulty. And if you’re the praying type – don’t be shy about asking others to pray for you. It works!

Have fun,


PS – It’s so blessed to now have four great-nieces and a great-nephew. It’s fun to be a GREAT aunt!

PPS – Here’s a fun video I made at the Improv about growing up with my siblings:

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