When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them

bamboo morgfile5641267795308“When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.”  Chinese Proverb

Do you find that your life is busier than it’s ever been before? You’re taking on projects, going more places, meeting the people, and trying to get more done than ever before? You know that you’re not taking time for yourself, but you don’t know how you can change your situation.  Unfortunately, you have your blinders on and as you struggle to get your “stuff” done, you simply fail to notice the world around you.

Think about the number of times you go into your favorite coffee shop, or fast food restaurant, and barely notice the person behind the counter. How often do you say “Hello” to the cleaning lady in your office?   What about the mail person UPS driver?  Do you take the time to acknowledge them?  Notice them. You have no idea the difference that you make.

A simple act of kindness goes a long way. Make it a point to make eye contact, to say smile and say hello to everyone you come into contact with today. If the line is long at the grocery store, and the clerk seems frazzled, that’s an excellent time for you to be extra kind. She needs your smile more than you need to keep it to yourself.

Have fun


The best friendships start with a simple, “Hello.”

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