Top Three Employee Engagement and Retention Articles for the week of October 31, 2016

Here are my top three picks for amazing employee engagement ideas and strategy articles for the week:

What Chocolate Chip Cookies Teach You About Employee Engagement

(Business 2 Community) “At a manufacturing plant in Ohio referenced in the opening paragraph, assembly line workers were empowered to make small decisions about their schedules and work environment. They designed their own uniforms and had authority over shifts. Nothing else changed. All the processes and pay scales stayed the same. Within two months, productivity at the plant increased by 20 percent. Workers were taking shorter breaks and there were fewer mistakes. Giving employees a sense of control impacted how much self-discipline they brought to their jobs.”

My Thoughts:  It takes so little time, money, or effort to empower your employees to make their own decisions, and it brings huge results 

Using technology in the Age of Emotion

(Banking Technology) “Employees need to be engaged, and to be engaged they need two things – direct customer feedback on their performance and empowerment to act.”

My Thoughts: Notice the recurring theme with empowering employees?

Why You Should Be Using Video to Strengthen Employee Engagement and Loyalty

(Vidyard) “Communicators know that it’s a typical request from employees to have more direct and frequent contact with their leadership. They want transparency over secretive handling of the business. Video is perfect for providing it because the mutual honesty and connection between a leader and employee can’t be as effective through another medium – blog posts can be ghost written, and emails sent from an executive assistant. Video proves to your employees that leadership genuinely cares about them (which is exactly what they need to feel engaged!) because that leader took the time from their schedule to get on camera and speak directly and openly, on what feels like on a one-on-one basis, to employees.”

My thoughts: Five great ideas on why video creates connection. It reminded me the videos don’t have to be perfect, just real.

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Lisa Ryan is an award-winning speaker and best-selling author who helps organizations keep their top talent from becoming someone else’s. Contact her to learn how to bring her to your next event.

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