The world we live in and the people we share it with begin to illuminate things.

awareness cancer design pink 579474“Cancer is that awful word we all fear when we go to the doctor, but in that brief dark moment we hear it, the world we live in and the people we share it with begin to illuminate things we did not even pay attention to.” BD Phillips

On February 28, 2017, my beautiful great-niece, Emily was born. I held her when she was less than a day old, and marveled at her absolute perfection.

Less than a week later, Emily was diagnosed with a neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer, located near her adrenal gland. On May 26th, two days before her three-month birthday, she had surgery to remove the tumor. We’re waiting to hear back from pathology what the prognosis for future care will be.

How do I thank thee – the “Big C”? Let me count the ways…

  1. The tumor was found by accident when they were scanning her kidney. It was found very early.
  2. Little Emily is a fighter, and every day she shows up how tough she is
  3. Our family unit is stronger than ever, Kristy and Cameron (mom and dad) are never alone
  4. She is receiving world-class care at the Cleveland Clinic
  5. She is being held in prayer by LOTS of people – and it’s working

Chances are good that cancer has touched you in some way. It’s a struggle to ever find anything good to say about it. And – when you truly focus on the good, in any situation, you can always find it.

Have fun,


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