Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you.

trees in park 257360“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” Brian Tracy

Will gratitude be a part of your legacy? Kari shares a beautiful story about her father, and a life well lived with gratitude.

“I lost my Father, Kenny Briggs, three years ago and felt like my world shattered. My Father always shook your hand, looked you in the eye with a smile, and made you feel like you were his number one priority. He was unbelievably gracious and thankful and not only inspired his employees and friends, but also my family and particularly my son.

“On the day of my Dad’s funeral, in the extremely small town of Sabina, Ohio with two stop lights, the true value of being a gracious and thankful kind person appeared. Approximately 1,000 people came to show their respects. It was the largest service our Church had ever had and my family was there for 8 hours receiving people.  Some people flew in. One man said he drove four hours to tell us his story about our Dad picking him up for practice when he didn’t have a ride and working with him on his studies after practice so he could graduate. He said Dad guided him off the wrong path and put him on the right path, and that he owed his life to our Dad.

“One of Dad’s prior employees from the plant in Wilmington said when the plant was closing our Dad personally made sure every employee had another position. Towards the end of his life, Dad was an Assistant Basketball Coach with my brother.  One of their players gave my Mom a basketball with all the players’ signatures on it. The basketball read “God needed a Coach and Heaven needed a voice”. The boy told my Mom on his last game as a senior, he stood in the middle of the court saddened that it was over and that they had not played very well.  He said Dad came out on the court, put his arm around his shoulders and said, “I’m proud of you”. Your team “played hard and played as one”. Justin said he uses that phrase as a coach today.

“I guess my message is “what goes around comes around”. My Dad showed his gratitude and thankfulness and kindness to all kinds of people in his life every day. I went from feeling my world was shattered to being so extremely thankful I had my Dad for so long. I see a little piece of him in everyone that knew him now. And I am thankful for that!”

There’s not a lot I can add to Kari’s story. Hers is a great reminder that it’s in the little things that we do every day that create big differences in the lives of others.

Have fun,


PS – What stories will people share about you when you leave the planet? Every day you spend on Earth gives you countless opportunities to serve others.

Share It!


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