The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise.

wedding 443600 640“The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.” Ashley Montagu

My family and I got together in Florida to celebrate my sister, Christine’s, fiftieth birthday. I thought her fiancé, Tim, was going a little crazy for the party, as he not only hired a limo, he left an hour before us to get everything set up. We took the limo to a picturesque restaurant on the beach and were enjoying the sunshine and conversation when we noticed that Christine and Tim had disappeared.

The hostess soon asked us all to follow her. After a short walk, she directed us to a seaside altar and invited us to take our seats on the chairs set up on the beach. The music started, Tim took his place with the minister and I witness my sister walking down in a beautiful dress, barefoot and beaming.

I love surprises, and this was one of my favorites – ever! To watch two people, join in love, surrounded by family and friends, commit to each other in marriage was a real gift. I’m grateful that we decided to celebrate a big birthday and experience an even more fantastic event.

Never miss an opportunity to celebrate with loved ones. The memories that you make are priceless.

Have fun,



PS – There’s no guarantee that you’ll have another chance to make memories together, so take advantage of the situations you are given to celebrate.

PPS – Here’s a video clip as to why it’s important to express your gratitude:

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