The Love of a Pet Ignites Us

Tinkerbell“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.  Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.“   Albert Schweitzer

It’s not always a human that rekindles our spark.

Chelsey, my 16-year old cat, passed away in 2000.  He was my favorite cat of all time, and I never thought I would find a cat that I adored as much.  Chelsey was the kind of cat that would pet ME when I was having a bad day. He was with me through several major life events and when he died, I never thought that I would have another cat that ignited the same spark of love within me.

Ten years later, I brought home Tinkerbell, never expecting this little black and white kitten to affect me like she did.  Tinkerbell is pure joy.  She greets me at the door when I come home, follows me wherever I go, and makes me laugh every day.  The spark of love that I felt for Chelsey has come roaring back.  I am deeply grateful for having Tinkerbell in my life.

Have you ever had “a day” and come home to be greeted enthusiastically by your pet.  Doesn’t it make you smile – no matter what kind of mood that you were in just a few minutes before? Take an extra minute or two today to give your pet some extra love.  Pets don’t care who we are, what we do, or how we are feeing at the time; they just want to show us love.

Have fun,


Horses, ferrets, and rabbits count too!  Love your furry friends today!

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