snow blower

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” Brian Tracy

When we are grateful for everything, we acknowledge people, events and circumstances that we may have taken for granted.

Two years ago, on an extremely snowy day, I drove to a meeting against my better judgment. The fact that I had to back up out of the garage quickly to make sure I made it through the snow to get to the street was my first mistake. After all, I never considered having to get back INTO the garage.

Sure enough, as I arrived home, I got stuck in the street. I was cold, mad, and immensely frustrated. I made a feeble attempt to run the snow blower, but couldn’t get it to “go.” The good news is that my neighbor and her son came over to shovel me out of the street. Then, another neighbor who lived across the street brought over his deluxe, super-duper, high-powered snow blower and cleared my entire driveway. The thing is I had never met this second neighbor. He did not know me, and yet he was there to help. It made me realize how grateful I am for the neighborhood that Scott and I call home.

Take the time today to appreciate your neighborhood. What are three favorite things about where you live?

Have fun,


1. Having a neighbor that takes care of our pets while we’re away.

2. Sitting around in the backyard with good food and conversation.

3. Sidewalks that add convenience for morning or evening walks.