Manufacturing Engagement – Treat employees fairly.

1997609Remember, fair does not necessarily mean equal.

Treating your employees in a fair manner means that you take the time to get to know them and you understand their specific circumstances. If you have a staff member going through a tough time, it’s highly likely that their performance may suffer a bit.

Feelings of unfairness lead to lost productivity, disgruntled workers and a lack of trust, resulting in high turnover and low morale.

If your managers are lacking the skills necessary to appropriately manage, motivate, and discipline their workers, sending them for a day of training may do wonders for them. An off-site seminar where they can learn from other new supervisors may be just what they need to succeed.

How do you ensure you and your leaders are treating your employees fairly?

To get this and 97 other ideas on Manufacturing Engagement, please check out Lisa Ryan’s book, “Manufacturing Engagement: 98 Proven Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Industry’s Top Talent

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