Success is Based on Persistence – Not Luck

woman with victory sign“When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.” Estee Lauder

Do you know what you want out of your life?  Can you see your future clearly in your mind’s eye and know down to the very core of your being that what you’re working towards is your life’s purpose?

It’s easy to progress towards your goals when things are going well, when you’re “in the flow.”  You feel great, you’re on a “high,” and things couldn’t be better.  Because of your positive momentum, when challenges first happen, you turn on your inner turbo-boosters and plow forward.

However, when it seems nothing is going right, challenges are abounding, and you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, you may start to question your sanity, your motivations, and whether you should continue down this crazy path.

Start to think of your challenges as just another part of your story.  Every delay, mistake, and denial is part of what it takes to make your victory stronger and more satisfying than if it happened easily and without trials and tribulations.  You are on your way, and your efforts will pay off in ways you may not have imagined.  Go for it!

Have fun,


Persistence pays.  Slow and steady wins the race – it’s all just a matter of time.

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