Dwelling on the Impossible Instead of Celebrating the Possible

Lisa Ryan Grategy woman with victory sign“So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible.  So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done.” Marian Wright Edelman

Ain’t it the truth?  We tend to overestimate our potential for achievement in the short run and underestimate our possibilities for success in the long run.  Why is that? What makes it so difficult for us to see how much we’ve grown and accomplished as it’s happening?

I feel that a lot of it comes down to what’s popular on television today.  Think about it – you get to see an entire house gutted and renovated in a half-hour program.  You witness murders solved, cases won, and bad guys caught in an hour-long show. The media focuses on the “overnight success,” not the twenty years that it took for that celebrity to get “discovered.”  We want immediate gratification and we want it NOW!

Here’s a helpful exercise:  take out a sheet of paper and write down every single victory you have had in the past month, the past quarter or the last year.  Anything that comes to mind – big or small – goes on the list.  Don’t overthink it – just write.  When you think you are done, write some more. Now, sit back, smile and revel in your feeling of accomplishment.  Just look at all the wonderful things that you have achieved.  Celebrate and be grateful for yourself – you are AWESOME!

Have fun


PS – When you consider the last five years, isn’t it true that you have achieved some pretty major victories? The next five years is up to you.

PSS – If becoming a stronger public speaker is on your goal list, “From Afraid to Speak to Paid to Speak” will help you overcome your anxiety and boost your confidence when speaking in front of any group.

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