Being More Aware of What You Have

Lisa Ryan Grategy piggy bank“Gratitude consists of being more aware of what you have, than what you don’t.   “Author Unknown

We’ve all done it. We’ve found ourselves with more month left at the end of our money. Maybe you had an unexpected expense came up. Perhaps you made a mistake in our check register, or didn’t log a withdrawal. Or you may have expected a check to arrive that didn’t.  Whatever happened, you found yourself tapped out.

So, what do you do when you look in your wallet and you don’t see “enough?”

What if you didn’t choose one of your traditional options, you know the ones – whining, complaining, or some other form of freaking out. What if instead, you decided to look at what you do have?

There’s a website called  On this site, you can put in your income and see where you rank with the rest of the world.  For example, poverty level in the U.S. is $11,670.  However, if you put $11,670 into the website, you’ll find that the poorest people in the United States rank inthe top 14.68% of the world’s wealthiest people.

Take a moment and appreciate the fact that you do have opportunity and the ability to create income. It may not come as fast as you want it, but it’s there. Be grateful for all the blessings you have, and the money will follow.

PS – Even if your wallet is filled with plastic, be grateful for the creditors that entrust you to repay them.

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