Top Three Employee Engagement and Gratitude Articles for the week of December 26, 2014

Because there are so many great articles on employee engagement and creating a culture of appreciation in the workplace, I want to share the best of these resources with you. Here are my favorites from this week. I have included some of my thoughts on these gratitude strategies (“Grategies”) and would like to hear your comments too.

Half of Employees Don’t Feel Respected by Their Bosses by Christine Porath

(Harvard Business Review) “Being treated with respect was more important to employees than recognition and appreciation, communicating an inspiring vision, providing useful feedback — even opportunities for learning, growth, and development.”

My Thoughts:  Great food for thought.  We don’t have to like the people who work for us, but we do need to respect them.  When an employee feels respected by their bosses, I feel that they also feel more appreciated and valued by their managers.  It’s all part of the same picture.

Indian employees more engaged than their global peers

( “Indian employees are more engaged than their global counterparts but still 54 per cent of them remain somewhat dissatisfied in their jobs signaling an urgent need for companies to take proactive steps, says a report.”

My Thoughts: Dale Carnegie does great work in the area of employee engagement and this article brought out a lot of interesting points about the state of global engagement.  Why do you think that that engagement in India is 13% higher than it is in the rest of the world?

The top 10 reasons to cultivate gratitude in the workplace by Terry Goss

(Dental Economics) “Although feelings of gratitude are familiar to us all, they can prove elusive when we’re pressured by our hectic day-to-day lives. Even then, gratitude is within our reach, its benefits available in abundance if we just remember to put it into daily practice.”

My thoughts:  Great reminders and simple strategies that all the benefits of a gratitude practice into your life – personally and professionally.  Nicely done.


Lisa Ryan, creator of Grategy® is a gratitude expert, award-winning employee engagement speaker and bestselling author. For more information contact (216) 225-8027. For information on Grategy® programs please visit Follow on Twitter: @Grategy

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