Ask Yourself What Makes You Come Alive – And Then Go Do That

3D love “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself that makes you come alive, and then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”  Harold Thurman Whitman

What do you think of today’s economy?  Is it a bad economy?  A good economy?  I tend to believe it’s an interesting economy.  Why?  Because of all the options that it is giving us.

Many people have found themselves at the wrong end of a corporate downsizing, layoff, elimination, etc. – including me.  It’s what happens after the termination that counts.

If you go to any number of networking events, you’ll see how people are dealing with their newfound ‘transition’ phase.  There are the ‘desperately seeking employment’ folks, handing out resumes to whomever they meet.  Others are confident that by going to networking events and building relationships with the people they meet, they will eventually find the ideal position, and many times they do.

Then there is the third group.  This is the group of people that have made the decision that they are done with the ordinary and are going to use this opportunity to do something that makes them come alive.  Not only do they find themselves experiencing greater happiness – they are flourishing.  Yes, sometimes it takes awhile.  Oftentimes, it’s not easy and the path is not clear.  Ultimately, when they find their passion, they become ALIVE, joyful, enthusiastic, having fun and enjoying life.

Isn’t that a better way to live?

What are you doing in your business or personal life that makes you feel alive?  How can you do more of it?

Have fun,

Lisa Ryan


Want to make couture jewelry, present prosperity workshops, write a book, become a life coach or a professional speaker?  It’s all out there for you – discover your passion and go for it.


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