A Celebration of Health

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“It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi

On May 26, 2017, my three-month-old great-niece (two days shy of her 3-month birthday) underwent surgery to have neuroblastoma (a cancerous tumor) removed from her organs. Thankfully they caught it in its very early stages and successfully removed it.

Five years later, Emily is a beautiful, healthy little girl who just graduated from pre-kindergarten. She loves dancing, playing with her little sister and cousins, and spending time with grandma and grandpa at the lake. We are celebrating the miracle of her life with a cookout tonight.

Of course, that’s not the only celebration for Emily. Over Easter Break, my in-laws all went to Disney World. After all, beating cancer is like winning the Superbowl of diseases!

What are you celebrating this week?

Have fun,


PS – Besides the commercials, my favorite part of the Superbowl is when the announcer asks the MVP what he’s going to do now that he’s won the Superbowl, and his response is, “I’m going to Disney World!” At the end of our wedding video, I said the same thing – and we did!

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