Friendships Can Come from Unexpected Places

unexpected friendships Lisa Ryan

“Unexpected Friendship: We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.” ~ Unknown

A few years ago, I spoke at a conference in New Orleans. After the program, several participants stayed to ask questions and chat. Then, after everyone else had left, one couple, Lynette and Gary, kept the conversation going.

We had such a good time that they asked me to join them for dinner. Scott was coming in that evening, so I had a couple of hours before he arrived, so why not. We had a fantastic three-hour dinner and decided to get together the following day to go to the WWII Museum – as that was the main reason Scott was joining me in NOLA.

After a fun day together, we promised to stay in touch. So instead of these words being said as a polite way to say “goodbye,” we did keep in touch. I’ve gotten together with Lynette while in Chicago several times, and Lynette and Gary also came to Cleveland.

But, in addition to our fun times, Lynette and I help each other in our businesses. She recently invited me to join her Mastermind Group, and yesterday it was my turn to be on the “hot seat.” The insight received from people I would not have met had it not been for Lynette gave me great ideas that will have a profound impact on my business.

I genuinely believe that there are no accidents. People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime – and I am so grateful for the unexpected blessings that Lynette, Jim, Doug, and Janice brought to me yesterday.

Who has unexpectedly made a difference in your life?

Have fun,


PS – Being in a Mastermind Group is one of the best things you can do for your business – and yourself!

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