Your Self-Talk: Is It a Friend-to-Friend Conversation?

Woman with microphoneEvidence is conclusive that your self-talk has a direct bearing on your performance.” Zig Ziglar

If one of your friends spoke to you like you speak to yourself, would you still be friends?

When I was in my early 20’s, a friend gave me a cassette tape by Shad Helmstetter which was called “Ten minutes of incredible you.” The tape started out by saying, “You are incredible, you have charm, personality, people like you, they like to be around you…”  I repeatedly listened to this tape and recorded it so it looped several times on the cassette.  Whenever I felt down, I put in that tape and my mood immediately shifted.

I recently found that tape and, I have to say, there are some days when it’s nice to hear Shad telling me that I’m incredible.  However, it’s most effective when I rely on myself to keep my thoughts positive.  After all, I know that my thoughts DO become things.  What I think about expands and the only way I can get myself out of a funk is to choose to think differently.

How often do you beat yourself up when you said something or did something “wrong?”  Next time you hear your inner voice throwing a hissy fit about yourself or your capabilities, take a deep breath, say “Cancel, cancel, cancel” and bring positive thoughts into your mind.  It takes practice, especially if you’ve been at it for awhile, but it’s so worth it.

Have fun,


This is your brain thinking negatively:    🙁    This is your brain thinking positively  🙂  Any questions?

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