Praise – It’s Free and Worth A Fortune

empty plate

“Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise.  They’re absolutely free– and worth a fortune.” Sam Walton

Recently I was in Kansas City conducting a presentation skills training program.  I had worked with this client on several occasions and was familiar with their procedures.  One of the consistent details for this training is that on day one, we have barbeque beef brisket for lunch.  From the first time I had experienced this wonderful delicacy, I was hooked.  It’s truly the BEST brisket I have ever had.

Lunchtime on day one arrived.  When the waiter placed my plate in front of me, I applauded.  He was a little surprised and then smiled broadly as I gushed about the expected awesomeness of this meal.  Not only did the waiter tell the chef about my enthusiastic reaction, every time he saw me in the hotel for the next couple days he smiled and said “hello.”  It was a little thing, but the simple act of applauding a meal brought joy to several people.

Next time you are experiencing a fabulous meal, make it a point to “gush” about it.  Call out the chef and tell him or her how much you are enjoying their feast. Too often we only let the server know when there is something wrong with a meal – we need to let them know when it ROCKS as well!

Have fun,


Applauding a meal in public is fun to do because it’s so ….. unexpected.  Have fun with it!


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