Appreciate Again and Again

Blue journal with pen image“(Some people) have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.” A.H. Maslow  

A daily practice of gratitude is very easy to do – it’s also very easy not to do.  I always thought I was an appreciative person, but it wasn’t until I started my gratitude journal that I realized the full power of thankfulness.  There are days when I wake up and I’m still tired, I’m grouchy and I just want to curl back up under the covers and sleep for a little while longer.  Instead, I force myself to get up, go into my office and write down my gratitudes for the day.  And I feel better – every time.

I have to confess, although I know that gratitude works really well, there are times that I stop doing it.  I get out of the habit and days or sometimes weeks go by without my daily gratitude practice.  You know what? My life doesn’t work as well when I’m not taking the time out for gratitude.  When I get back into the habit, the power of gratitude makes everything better again.

If you aren’t keeping a gratitude journal, I encourage you to take my 30 day challenge.  For the next 30 days, write down 3-5 things that you are grateful for every day.  I GUARANTEE you will feel the difference.  I’d love to hear about your experience at the end of the challenge.

Have fun,


Appreciate “freshly and naively” every day – even if it’s just being glad the sun is out, your bed is warm, and you can walk to the kitchen for coffee.  Little thanks lead to big thanks and you’ll notice many more of the everyday blessings you already have.

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