Exercising Your Gratitude Muscle

3D love“There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude.  It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance.” Joseph Addison

I received this note from long-time subscriber and friend, Diana. Her story shows the true power of gratitude – no matter what you’re going through.

“Out of nowhere, I was diagnosed with AML, an acute, aggressive form of leukemia on Monday (three days ago) and I’ve been at peace with it from the first utterance from the doctor. I won’t say I’m grateful for the disease, but I am grateful that I went for blood work when I wasn’t feeling well, I’m grateful for the excellent and expeditious medical care I’m receiving, and I’m grateful to be at Cleveland Clinic, one of the best hospitals in the world.

“Starting chemo is a grand production, where nurses wear protective gowns & gloves, call out the chemo bag number and ask the patient (me) to call out name and DOB. This continues until all the lines and chemo bags are connected (about 10 minutes) until the first drip runs through the line. When we saw that first drop come through, we all cheered and hooted, knowing that that is the first step to my recovery.

“I’ve been a dedicated student of the Secret and gratitude itself for over 10 years, and for that… I’m grateful! I’m at peace and ready to face whatever comes my way while remaining grateful for my excellent care, and for my three children who have banded together and confer daily to develop and refine a recovery plan. I’m grateful for my husband, who is doing everything in his power to comfort me, as well as grateful for the overwhelming love and prayers that are being sent via social media and in person. Simply put, I’m so grateful that I feel gratitude and peace, rather than anger or resentment.

“I’m looking forward to my journey, and the lessons I’ll learn while praying very hard for a clean bone marrow biopsy in 14 days.”

Let’s keep Diana in our thoughts and prayers as she goes through this journey with the love and support of everyone around her.

PS – When you practice gratitude every day, it is much easier to find the strength to be grateful through life’s most difficult challenges.

PSS – Here’s the episode, “Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life” from my BizTV Show.


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