When you view your world with an attitude of gratitude, you are training yourself to focus on the good in life.

“When you view your world with an attitude of gratitude, you are training yourself to focus on the good in life.” Paul J. Meyer

Here’s an email from a subscriber that beautifully illustrated the power of reconnecting with people.  Here’s what Rita had to say:

“Re-connect, forget the old arguments, the insecurities of youth or something that hurt – years ago.  Wounds heal and now, we must too.  If you can’t say “sorry”, say, “I missed you.  I missed our time together.”

“My dad passed away years ago but his older brother, my Uncle Ron, stayed a distant relative.  Of course, my parent’s divorce put a huge gap in the family on dad’s side.  I barely knew my dad but after his second wife passed, his new friend encouraged him to reconnect.  We started doing what we did when I was young, dinners to talk the night away.  Then he suddenly had a massive heart attack and he was gone.  That left my Uncle Ron, only brother and family survivor, but he was still distant. I thought he wanted no part of his ex-sister-in-law’s family.

“But I was wrong and realized that just a few years ago.  I called him and I went to see him. He is 92 and I know each day is a blessing.  When I am too busy and I don’t have time to call, I think, today may be his last and then I have the urge to reconnect. We must treasure what we have and live for no-regrets.  We must be grateful.”

Thank you so much, Rita. The effort of reconnecting is worth it!

Have fun,


PS – I do love to hear your stories. Please keep them coming!

PPS – I got the video back from Disrupt HR. This program was 5 minutes long, 20 slides, 15 seconds per slide, scrolling automatically. Here’s my take on why employees don’t care about engagement: https://disrupthr.co/vimeo-video/sweat-the-small-stuff-smart-strategies-to-engage-employees-lisa-ryan-disrupthr-talks/

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