True Heroism in Customer Service

Lisa Ryan Chief Appreciation Strategist airport“True heroism is remarkably short, very undramatic.  It is not the urge to surpass others at whatever cost, but to serve others at whatever cost.”


While sitting in an overcrowded airport, I was able to find a quiet place to do some work. A guy sitting behind me was on his phone, obviously conducting a job interview with a potential candidate. In his query to understand how the candidate dealt with customers, he asked him how he would “stop wasting time with customers that were using their information and not going to buy anything more anyway so he could move on to prospecting and bringing in more new customers.”  What?!!!


Why would you ever suggest that your established customers, your bread and butter, are wasting your time when they are asking for your help? At least they are trusting your organization enough to come to you for support.


Be grateful for the wonderful customers that you have.  Treat them well and serve them at whatever cost it needs to keep them happy. You have no idea who that customer knows and what doors they can open up to you.  Bringing in new blood is all fine and dandy, but focusing on the customers that have already entrusted their business to you are the ones that most deserve your attention.

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